法國勞動管理諮詢服務 par4tw
法國僱傭合約:定期,不定期; 法國員工福利:員工休假,病假,產假,陪產假,照顧假,育兒假,殤假,婚假:養卹金和社會保障: 意外補償; 法國資遣員工:預告期,遣散費,失業保險。
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Manager Zhu, 法國永居卡居民 說法文中文和英文
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電話:+886-2-2717-0515 分機:110
France Hiring
20.10. 法國僱傭合約 Employment Contracts —
- 員工要完成的工作,
- 雇主應支付的賠償金,以及
- 僱員對雇主的法律從屬地位。
- 替換暫時缺勤的員工,
- 應對暫時增加的商業活動,
- 季節性工作,
- 在傳統的固定期限合同的商業領域(旅遊、娛樂等)和
- 適用於實習生或學徒。
短期合同(或初始合同和一次允許續簽的合同)的最長期限為 18 個月。
在特定情況下,此期限可能會縮短至 9 個月或增加至 24 個月。
臨時工最多可以僱傭 36 個月,並且必須享有與正式員工相同的權利。
臨時機構必須向臨時僱員支付特別賠償金(工作期間支付的總工資的 10%)。
- 普通員工兩個月,
- 中層管理人員和技術人員三個月,以及
- 管理人員四個月。如果僱傭合同或集體談判協議允許,試用期可以延長。
- 普通員工四個月,
- 中層管理人員和技術人員六個月,以及
- 高層管理八個月。法律要求雇主在終止試用前一天到一個月(取決於計劃的試用期)通知僱員。
自 2020 年 7 月 30 日起,與受僱於同一活動部門的公司的員工相比,派往法國進行長達 12 個月的派遣工作的員工,在薪酬(即基本工資和所有其他工資和福利)方面必須享有在法國的同等待遇。
Whether written or not, the employment contract must contain the following information:
- the work to be performed by the employee,
- the compensation to be paid by the employer, and
- the legal subordination of the employee to the employer.
Legal subordination distinguishes the employment contract from other types (e.g., directors, agency-obtained temporary workers, volunteers, and subcontractors).
A written work contract is not mandatory except in certain atypical situations (e.g. fixed term, part-time).
However, a written contract can reduce the risk of potential litigation.
Contracts must be written in French, although foreign employees are entitled to ask for the document to be translated into their language.
In case of conflict, the foreign version would then prevail.
Indeterminate-term contracts. This is the standard form of the employment contract.
There is no time limit and each party may end the contract at any time provided any notice period is respected.
In order for the employer to lawfully terminate an employment contract, the termination must be based on genuine and serious grounds.
Fixed-term contracts. A short-term contract may only be used:
- to replace an employee who is temporarily absent,
- to deal with a temporary increase in business activity,
- for seasonal work,
- in business sectors where fixed-term contracts are traditional (tourism, entertainment, etc.) and
- for trainees or apprentices.
The maximum duration of a short-term contract—or of an initial contract and the one allowable renewal—is 18 months.
In particular cases, this duration may be reduced to nine months or increased to 24 months.
If the duration of the fixed-term contract cannot be determined—for instance, when it is signed for the replacement of a sick employee—it must provide a minimum duration.
In this case, there is no maximum duration.
If the short-term contract does not comply with mandatory formal or legal conditions, the employee may claim damages or ask for the contract to be changed to indeterminate status.
Temporary workers.
The hiring of temporary workers is strictly regulated by French law.
Temporary workers can be hired for up to 36 months and must be given the same rights as permanent employees.
Temporary agencies must pay the temporary employee a special indemnity (10 percent of the gross salary paid during the assignment).
Probationary period.
During the probationary period, either party may terminate the employment contract at any moment without compensation.
Unless otherwise provided in a collective agreement or by professional custom, the legal duration of a probationary period is:
- two months for rank-and-file employees,
- three months for middle managers and technicians and
- four months for executives. The probationary period may be extended if allowed by the employment contract or the collective bargaining agreement.
The maximum combined duration of the probationary period and any extensions is: - four months for rank-and-file employees,
- six months for middle managers and technicians and
- eight months for executives.
The employer is required by law to notify the employee between one day and one month (depending on the planned duration of the probation) before terminating probationary employment.
Mobility clause.
An employer may transfer employees between workplaces without the employee’s consent, provided that the contract specifies a limited geographical scope and that the transfer is necessary for the company and implemented fairly by the employer.
Amending the employment contract.
An employer may not modify the contract in any essential way (e.g., changes in employee duties, salary, workplace, or working hours) without the employee’s consent even if the modification is more favorable to the employee.
The employer may, however, unilaterally change the employee’s working conditions, and an employee’s refusal to accept such modification is grounds for dismissal.
Effective July 30, 2020, employees posted to France for detachments of up to 12 months must be given equal treatment with regard to pay (i.e. base salary and all other salary and benefits) as compared to employees employed by companies of the same branch of activity established in France.
The employer of the seconded employee must also refund the professional expenses incurred by the seconded employee relating to transportation, meals and accommodation.
20.90. Reference Citations —
Employment Contracts: French Labor Code (as amended), arts. L1221-2 to L1221-26 (French)
Restrictions on Hiring: French Labor Code (as amended), arts. L4153-1, L5212-2 (French)
Recordkeeping: French Labor Code (as amended), art. L3243-4 (French);
Guide to Security of Personal Data (as amended), 2010
Background Checks: French Labor Code (as amended), art. L1221-6 (French)
Noncompetition Agreements: Law No. 2018-670 on the Protection of Business Secrecy, 2018 (French)
70.10.法國員工休假 Vacation —
僱員有權在 6 月 1 日至次年 5 月 31 日的參考期內,按每月 2.5 天的比率享受 5 週的年假。
在 5 月 1 日至 10 月 31 日之間必須至少連續休 12 天的假期。
Employees are entitled to five weeks of annual leave accrued at the rate of 2.5 days per month during a reference period from June 1 to May 31 of the following year.
Collective bargaining agreements may grant additional days off.
At least 12 consecutive days of leave must be taken between May 1 and Oct. 31.
Employees cannot be forced to take their leave in another period.
However, employers may refuse or postpone employees’ vacation for legitimate business reasons, unless prohibited by the applicable collective bargaining agreement.
Unused leave in most cases cannot be carried forward.
70.20. 法國假期Holidays —
公共假期無帶薪休假的合法權利,沒有被勞資協議涵蓋的員工,只有保證勞動節(5 月 1 日)作為帶薪假期,儘管在大多數情況下,其他公共假期也被授予帶薪假期。
法國有以下 11 個公共假期: • 1 月 1 日:元旦 • 復活節星期一 • 5 月 1 日:勞動節 • 5 月 8 日:第二次世界大戰結束 • 耶穌升天(復活節後 40 天) • 聖靈降臨節(五旬節)• 7 月 14 日:巴士底日 • 假設 • 11 月 1 日:萬聖節 • 11 月 11 日:紀念日 • 12 月 25 日:聖誕節,需要在 5 月 1 日工作的員工有權獲得 200% 的保費。
There is no legal right to paid time off on public holidays, and employees not covered by a collective bargaining agreement are guaranteed only Labor Day (May 1) as a paid holiday, although in most cases the other public holidays are also granted.
France observes the following 11 public holidays: • Jan. 1: New Year’s Day • Easter Monday • May 1: Labor Day • May 8: End of World War II • Ascension (40 days after Easter Sunday) • Whit Monday (Pentecost) • July 14: Bastille Day • Assumption • Nov. 1: All Saint’s Day • Nov. 11: Remembrance Day • Dec. 25: Christmas.
An employee required to work on May 1 is entitled to 200 percent premium pay.
French law is silent as to whether employees required to work on the other public holidays are compensated at a higher rate than normal salaries.
If a public holiday falls on a Saturday, no time off is granted.
Also, if a public holiday falls on a Sunday, employees are not entitled to take the following Monday as a paid holiday.
70.30. 法國產假Maternity Leave —
Family situation
家庭情況 |
Before the birth (prenatal)
出生前(產前) |
After the birth (postnatal)
出生後(產後) |
2孩子總數達到 1 或 2 | 6週 | 10週 | 16週 |
孩子總數達到 3 個或更多 | 8週 | 18週 | 26週 |
雙胞胎 | 12週 | 22週 | 34週 |
三胞胎或更多 | 24週 | 22週 | 46週 |
醫療並發症 | 額外 2 週 | 額外 4 週 |
女性僱員在整個懷孕期間(從醫生證明之日起),或在重返工作崗位後的 10 週內不得被解僱,除非有嚴重不當行為或雇主無法維持合同。
Under French law, employees are required to take maternity leave applying the following formula:
Family situation | Before the birth (prenatal) | After the birth (postnatal) | TOTAL |
1 child, bringing the total number of children to 1 or 2 | 6 weeks
10 weeks
16 weeks
1 child, bringing the total number of children to 3 or more | 8 weeks | 18 weeks | 26 weeks |
– Twins | 12 weeks | 22 weeks | 34 weeks |
– Triplets or more | 24 weeks | 22 weeks | 46 weeks |
Medical complications | 2 additional weeks | 4 additional weeks |
Mothers who suffer an illness during pregnancy are entitled to two more weeks before childbirth and four more weeks after childbirth.
A female employee cannot be dismissed during her entire pregnancy (starting on the date of the doctor’s certificate) or during the 10 weeks following her return to work, except for gross misconduct or the employer’s impossibility to maintain the contract.
When returning to work, the mother is guaranteed the same or equivalent job.
Employees with at least one year’s service on the date of the birth can take unpaid leave up until the child’s third birthday or return to work on a part-time basis.
Maternity leave is paid by the social security system.
70.40. 法國陪產假Paternity Leave —
此外,在孩子出生後的四個月內,他們連續獲得 11 天的帶薪陪產假(包括週末),如果是多胞胎,則為 18 天。
注意:自 2021 年 7 月 1 日起,在職父親有權在孩子出生或收養後享受 28 天的帶薪陪產假。
在多胞胎的情況下,父親則有權享受 35 天的帶薪休假。
新手父親將被要求在孩子出生後立即休假至少 7 天。陪產假由社會保障系統支付。
Working fathers are entitled to three days’ leave upon the birth of their child.
In addition, they are granted 11 consecutive days of paid paternity leave (including weekends), 18 days in the event of multiple births, within the four months following a child’s birth.
Note: Effective July 1, 2021, working fathers are entitled to 28 days of paid paternity leave upon the birth or adoption of their child.
In the case of multiple births, fathers are entitled to 35 days of paid leave.
Three days of paternity leave are paid by the employer; the remainder is paid by social security.
New fathers will be required to take at least seven days of leave immediately after the birth of a child.
Paternity leave is paid by the social security system.
Working fathers with at least one year’s service on the date of the birth can take unpaid leave up until the child’s third birthday or return to work on a part-time basis.
70.50. 法國病假 Sick Leave —
根據行業部門集體談判協議中更有利的規定,如果發生與工作有關的事故或疾病,則從缺勤的第一天開始計算病假工資,在所有其他情況下從缺勤的第 8 天開始計算。
在缺勤的前 30 天裡,員工將獲得如果他或她繼續工作本應獲得的總工資的 90%。
在接下來的 30 天內,員工將獲得該工資的三分之二。
這些期限在最初一年的基礎上每服務五年增加 10 天,但帶薪病假的完整期限不得超過 90 天。
- 在公司內服務至少一年,
- 已在 48 小時內通知雇主他或她的缺勤情況,並提供了醫療證明(如適用),
- 受社會保障覆蓋,並且
- 從法國或其他歐盟成員國的醫療中受益。
如果病假持續時間超過 30 天,員工必須在返回工作崗位之前進行體檢。
申請必須在第一個月病假結束後 60 天內提出,並附有醫生的醫療證明。
領養假。如果只有一位家長休領養假,則他或她有權享受 10 週的假期,最長可在孩子到達家庭前 7 天開始。
如果收養使家庭中的兒童總數達到三個或更多,則休假延長至 18 週。
在多次收養的情況下,假期將進一步延長至 22 週。
如果父母雙方都休收養假,則休假增加 11 天(如果收養雙胞胎、三胞胎或更多,則增加 18 天)。
- 員工她/他自己的婚禮(不區分民事或宗教儀式),4天
- 員工他/她自己的伴侶關係,4天
- 員工他/她孩子的婚禮,1天
- 孩子死亡,5 天(如果孩子未滿 25 歲,則為 7 天),
- 配偶或伴侶死亡, 3 天,
- 近親(父親、母親、岳父母、兄弟姐妹)去世,3天,以及
- 如果發生兒童殘疾,2天。
An employee’s absence due to illness suspends the work contract and the employer’s obligation to fully compensate the employee.
The Social Security Health System pays an employee on sick leave a daily benefit, and the employer is legally required only to make up the difference between that benefit and the employee’s normal compensation.
Subject to more favorable provisions in industry sector collective bargaining agreements, sick pay applies from the first day of absence if following a work-related accident or illness and from the eighth day of absence in all other cases.
Over the first 30 days of absence, the employee is paid 90 percent of the gross salary he or she would have earned had he or she continued to work.
For the following 30 days, the employee receives two-thirds of this salary.
These periods are increased by 10 days per five years’ service over and above the initial period of one year, but the full period of paid sickness absence may not exceed 90 days.
This applies (subject to more favorable provisions) where the employee: • has at least one year of service within the company, • has notified the employer of his or her absence within 48 hours and provided a medical certificate if applicable, • is covered by social security, and • benefits from medical treatment in France or another EU member state.
If sick leave lasts longer than 30 days, the employee must undergo a medical examination before returning to work.
Employees who have been on sick leave for at least one month may request a gradual (part-time) return to work for therapeutic reasons.
The request must be made within 60 days of the end of the first month of sick leave and supported by a medical certificate from a physician.
The return to work and the work itself must be deemed likely to improve the employee’s health.
The gradual return to work must be approved by first be approved by the employer, and then by the National Health Fund.
Other Leave —
Adoption leave. If adoption leave is taken by only one parent, he or she is entitled to 10 weeks’ leave which can begin up to seven days before the child arrives in the household.
If the adoption brings the total number of children in the family to three or more, the leave is extended to 18 weeks.
In cases of multiple adoption, the leave is further extended to 22 weeks.
If adoption leave is taken by both parents, the leave is increased by 11 days (or by 18 days in the case of adoption of twins, triplets or more).
Family leave. Any employee may take paid family leave of: • four days for her/his own wedding (without distinction between civil or religious ceremonies), • four days for his/her own civil union, • one day for his/her child’s wedding, • five days for the death of a child (seven days if the child is under age 25), • three days for the death of a spouse or partner, • three days for the death of a close relative (father, mother, parents-in-law, siblings), and • two days in case of occurrence of a disability of a child.
70.60. 法國養老金和社會保障Pensions and Social Security —
2020 年,法國的法定退休年齡將逐步提高到 67 歲。
The legal retirement age in France is gradually increasing to 67 years by 2020.
Employers and employees pay contributions to health insurance (including sickness, maternity, disability, and death), the national pension scheme, and unemployment insurance.
70.70. 法國勞動賠償金Worker’s Compensation —
任何工作事故必須在 24 小時內報告給雇主。
反過來說,雇主必須在 48 小時內向健康保險基金報告事故。
Benefits for accidents at work and occupational diseases are paid by the local Health Insurance Fund.
Any accident at work must be reported to the employer within 24 hours.
In turn, the employer must report the accident to the Health Insurance Fund within 48 hours.
The injured worker is entitled to their full wage for the day of the accident, which is paid by the employer.
Thereafter, the worker is paid a daily allowance by the Health Insurance Fund.
70.90. Reference Citations —
Vacation: French Labor Code (as amended), arts. L3141-3 to L3141-8 (French)
Holidays: French Labor Code (as amended), arts. L3133-1 to L3133-12 (French)
Maternity Leave: French Labor Code (as amended), arts. L1225-1 to L1225-30 (French)
Paternity Leave: French Labor Code (as amended), arts. L1225-35 to L1225-36 (French)
Sick Leave: French Labor Code (as amended), art. L1226-1 (French);
Law of 10 August, 2018 Amending the Labor Code and Social Security Code with Regard to the Maintenance of the Contract of Employment and the Gradual Resumption of Work in the Event of Prolonged Capacity, arts. 2-5 (French)
Other Leave: French Labor Code (as amended), arts. L3142-1, L3142-4 (French)
Pensions and Social Security: French Labor Code (as amended), arts. L3511-1 to L3511-11 (French)
Workers’ Compensation: French Labor Code (as amended), arts. L1226-6 to L1226- 22 (French)
100.10. 法國雇主終止Termination by Employer —
- 邀請員工參加解僱前會議,在會議召開前至少五天通過掛號信或專遞方式向員工發送通知,
- 解僱前會議本身,
- 在解僱前會議結束後至少兩天(如果出於經濟原因,時間更長),通過向員工發送一封掛號信來解釋解僱的原因,以通知解僱,以及
- 除嚴重不當行為外,工人繼續受僱的通知期,其持續時間取決於僱員的服務時間(雇主可要求僱員在通知期內不工作並支付補償金以代替注意)。
- 當選的員工代表,
- 任命的工會代表,
- 這些職位的候選人,
- 前當選代表,以及
- 工業法庭的非專業法官。在解僱這些僱員之前,雇主必須與僱員代表協商並獲得當地勞動監察員的解僱授權。
員工終止 —
An employer may terminate an employment contract unilaterally only if there is a real and serious cause.
Dismissal without cause is considered abusive treatment and can result in damages of up to two years’ salary for the employee.
Just cause for dismissal can be personal or economic.
Personal reasons for which an employee can be justifiably terminated include disobedience, violence or verbal abuse, theft, repeated unauthorized leave, inappropriate behavior in the workplace, sexual/moral harassment, professional inadequacy, and nonachievement of objectives.
Economic reasons for dismissal include abolition or transformation of positions due to financial difficulties, restructuring in order to protect the company’s competitiveness, and winding up of the business.
French law establishes a formal termination process, deviation from which can make the employer liable for damages to the employee.
The procedure for individual dismissals includes:• inviting the employee to a pre-dismissal meeting by sending the employee a notice by registered letter or hand delivery at least five days before the meeting, • the pre-dismissal meeting itself, • notification of the dismissal by sending the employee a registered letter explaining the reasons for the dismissal at least two days (longer if on economic grounds) after the pre-dismissal meeting, and • except in cases of gross misconduct, a notice period during which the worker continues in employment, the duration of which depends on the employee’s length of service (the employer may ask the employee not to work during the notice period and pay compensation in lieu of notice).
Collective bargaining agreements often set higher severance compensation.
Certain employees are accorded “protected” status, making it more difficult for an employer to terminate them.
Among others, these employees include: • elected employee representatives, • appointed union representatives, • candidates for these positions, • former elected representatives, and • lay judges with the Industrial Tribunal.
Before terminating these employees, an employer must consult with employee representatives and obtain a dismissal authorization from the local Labor Inspector. Any claims arising out of the termination of an employment contract are subject to a one-year statute of limitation.
Termination by Employee — Employees may unilaterally terminate their work contracts without cause if they clearly and expressly provide notice of the resignation and abide by any notice period established by the employer, which generally will run between one and three months.
Voluntary termination of the contract does not entitle the employee to unemployment benefits.
100.20. 法國工廠關閉和大規模裁員Plant Closings and Mass Layoffs —
若其中兩名或更多員工在 30 天內有被解僱的風險,可被視為大規模裁員。
如果雇主至少有 50 名員工,並希望在 30 天內解僱 10 名或更多員工,則必須起草一份計劃,盡可能限制要解僱的員工人數。
Dismissals can be considered mass layoffs where two or more employees are at risk of dismissal over 30 days.
The procedures that employers must follow will depend on the number of people in the company and the number of employees at risk of dismissal.
In general, mass layoffs are allowed if they result from an employer’s economic difficulties, from significant changes in technology, or from the employer’s need to restructure to remain competitive.
The definition of “economic difficulties” applies only to the employer’s operations in France.
If an employer has at least 50 employees and seeks to dismiss 10 or more within 30 days, it must draft a plan that limits as much as possible the number of employees to be laid off.
The plan must include the employer’s efforts to find alternative positions for employees who will otherwise be dismissed and establish criteria for determining which employees will be laid off—including seniority, number of dependents and age, disability, or other factors that will make it particularly difficult for certain employees to find other work following the layoff.
The employer must consult in the development of this plan with its works council and shop committees and provide them with such information as the grounds for the layoffs, the criteria to be applied to determine which employees will be laid off, and a timetable for the dismissals.
The French labor authorities must also be informed of the proposed layoffs.
If the employer does not establish and follow a plan for a mass layoff or if a court finds the plan insufficient, all layoffs are voided, and dismissed employees must be given their jobs back.
100.30. 法國終止僱用合約資遣Payment on Termination —
因嚴重不當行為以外的原因,被解僱至少 8 個月的員工有權獲得每 10 年服務年薪的四分之一,以及超過 10 年的每年月薪的三分之一。
- 在至少有 11 名員工的公司中,為至少有兩年資歷的員工提供三個月的工資,或
- 在員工人數少於11 人的公司中,服務不足一年的員工半個月的工資。對於在至少有 11 名員工的公司中,服務至少 30 年的員工,不公平解僱的最高賠償為 20 個月的工資。
An employer and an employee can agree to terminate the work contract subject to the payment of severance at least equivalent to the statutory dismissal payment.
This option entitles the employee to unemployment benefits.
To foreclose the possibility of post-termination lawsuits, the employer and the employee can sign a settlement agreement under which the employee accepts higher severance compensation in exchange for a waiver of any legal action against the company.
Employees with at least eight months of service dismissed for a reason other than gross misconduct are entitled to one-fourth of a month’s salary per year of service up to 10 years and one-third of a month’s salary per year above 10 years.
In cases of unfair dismissal, minimum awards are as follows:
- three months’ salary for employees with at least two years’ seniority in a company with at least 11 employees or
- a half months’ salary for employees with less than one year of service in companies with fewer than 11 employees. Maximum damages for unfair dismissal are 20 months’ salary for employees with at least 30 years’ service at a company which has at least 11 employees.
Employers can decide to exempt employees from the performance of their notice periods (which typically vary from one to three months) provided the employee is paid in lieu until the end of the notice period.
100.40. 法國失業保險Unemployment Insurance —
如果雇主破產,雇主會繳納 4.05% 的承保工資,以及額外 0.15% 的承保工資,以資助僱員的工資保障。
Unemployment benefits are paid only to those persons who fulfill certain requirements.
The amount and duration of benefit payments depend upon the period during which the claimant has contributed to the scheme and the total contributions paid.
Employers contribute 4.05 percent of covered payroll wages, as well as an additional 0.15 percent of covered payroll to finance a salary guarantee for employees should the employer become bankrupt.
100.90. Reference Citations —
Termination by Employer: French Labor Code (as amended), arts. L1231-1 to L1233- 18 (French);
Ordinance No. 2017-1387 of September 22, 2017, art. 6 (French)
Termination by Employee: French Labor Code (as amended), arts. L1237-1 to 1237- 3 (French)
Plant Closings and Mass Layoffs: French Labor Code (as amended), arts. L1233-21 to L1233-45 (French)
Payment on Termination: French Labor Code (as amended), arts. L1234-1 to L1234- 13 (French);
Ordinance No. 2017-1387 of September 22, 2017, art. 2 (French)
以上內容為永輝研發及教育中心 (簡稱:永輝RD)於2021年10月摘要。
而且您將在永輝RD 人才庫列名,有機會成為RD兼職及合作夥伴。
歡迎電郵: fr.labor.rd.tc@evershinecpa.com
聯絡人: 林幸穗 Anny Lin 協理
skype: annylin8008
wechat: annylin8008
電話:+886-2-2717-0515 分機:110
Paris time zone:
Manager Zhu, 法國永居卡居民 說法文中文和英文
China Time Zone:
聯絡人: 林幸穗 Anny Lin 協理
skype: annylin8008
wechat: annylin8008
電話:+886-2-2717-0515 分機:110
已在10多個國家,40多個城市, 有自己員工與當地合作夥伴提供可信任且專業的服務。
永輝的營運模式,可稱為會計行業的ABNB (經營在線住宿市場)or UBER(在線預約搭乘)。使用在線薪資和會計系統支援,我們爲跨國企業海外營運,提供多城市一站式服務。在接受貴司委託後,我們都找當地合格具資質的財會人員,並與在地會計師事務所,律師事務所,社勞士等合作來執行。
永輝關係企業,開始於1992年創立永輝啟佳聯合會計師事務所(Evershine CPAs Firm),並於1993年再創立永輝協同網路服務(Evershine BPO Services Corp.),經過20多年努力,投資在資訊技術,建立雲端應用系統協同作業平台, 資訊安全維護機制。使用永輝協同網路服務股份有限公司的雲端系統,支援所提供的服務。並加入國際型會計師聯盟,建立以英文為主工作環境。在這些年間由於服務,符合國際型客戶海外拓展時的財務控管與法規遵循需求,加以最近2年Covid-19,跨國人員調派困難,使得我們已累積約1000家客戶(2021/07),其中有1/3客戶的母公司是上市公司。
跨國公司巴黎附近據點所需服務項目,包括:人流相關與短期代僱服務;人員薪資作業及法規遵循服務; 公司登記與法律相關服務;會計、出納、稅務服務;專案查核與企業鑑價服務;商標與專利登記服務。
A. 人流相關與短期代僱服務
i. 短期代僱服務。
ii. 人事合約草擬。
iii. 人事勞動糾紛處理。
iv. 工作證申請,居留證辦理
B. 人員薪資作業及法規遵循服務
i. 薪資計算(Gross-To-Net)
ii. 薪資代收代付
iii. 薪資個稅扣繳代收代付
iv. 社醫保保費代收代付
v. 請假,加班處理
C. 公司登記與法律相關服務
i. 公司登記
ii. 特許登記
iii. 人事合約
iv. 人事勞動糾紛處理
v. 各國移民法規諮詢
D. 會計、出納、稅務服務
i. 營業稅申報
ii. 費用,收入,個稅扣繳申報
iii. 營利事業所得稅,暫繳計算及申報
iv. 營利事業所得稅結算及申報
v. 財務報表製作
vi. 進銷存及成本報表製作
vii. 出納支付安排
viii. 代理開立發票
ix. 安排財務簽證或稅務簽證
x. 跨國費用支付與法規遵循申辦
E. 專案查核與企業鑑價服務
Paris time zone:
Manager Zhu, 法國永居卡居民 說法文中文和英文
China Time Zone:
聯絡人: 林幸穗 Anny Lin 協理
skype: annylin8008
wechat: annylin8008
電話:+886-2-2717-0515 分機:110
永輝啟佳聯合會計師事務所- EvershineCPA.tpe
臺灣永輝協同網路服務股份有限公司- EvershineBPO.tpe
永輝專利師事務所 – EvershineIPO.tpe
臺北市長春路378號6F 靠近長春路與復興北路交叉口
捷運文湖線與松山線交口 南京復興站,兄弟大飯店附近
接洽人: 陳中成 首席合夥人/會計師/專利師
Mobile: +886-933920199
Office: +886-2-27170515 E100
Skype: daleccchen
Wechat ID: evershiinecpa | Line ID:evershinecpa
Linkedin address: Dale Chen Linkedin
E-mail: dalechen@evershinecpa.com
柏林; 斯圖加特;布拉格;布加勒斯特;班加羅爾;泗水;
永輝潛在可服務城市 (2個月籌備期):
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