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Manager Zhu, 法國永居卡居民 說法文中文和英文

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2.1. 徵收外派個人所得稅

法國的稅收政策由兩個獨立的政府組織負責:經濟、財政和工業部; 以及預算、公共帳戶、公務員和國家改革部。前者負責監督與稅務政策委員會相關的立法,該委員會是稅務部的下屬單位。後者負責金融法和稅務系統的管理。稅務系統分為兩個辦公室:公共財政總局(Direction générale des Finances publiques ,縮寫為 DGFiP)和海關與間接稅總局(Direction générale des douanes et droits indirects, 縮寫為 DGDDI)。










2018 年 12 月 24 日第 2018-1213 號法律,關於緊急經濟和社會措施(法文)

2022年12月30日關於2023年財政的第2022-1726號法律,法蘭西共和國官方公報, 2022年12月31日(法文)


In English

2.1. Income Taxes Imposed —

Taxation policy is managed and supervised by two separate governmental organizations in France: the Minister of Economy, Finances and Industry and the Minister for the Budget, Public Accounts, the Civil Service and State Reform. The former is responsible for supervising legislation related to the Tax Policy Board, which is a subordinate unit of the Department of Revenue. The latter is responsible for the management of finance law and the taxation system. The taxation system is divided into two offices: the Directorate General of Public Finance (Direction générale des Finances publiques, abbreviated as DGFiP) and the Directorate General of Customs and Indirect Taxes (Direction générale des douanes et droits indirects, abbreviated as DGDDI).

The tax year in France is a calendar year from Jan. 1 to Dec. 31.


LegiFrance, Legislative Database (French)

French Tax Administration (French)

Nonpersonalized Tax Rates for Income Tax Withholding (French)

Information for Employers on Income Tax Withholding (French)

News Release on Income Tax Withholding Rate Notices (French)

Penalties for Withholding Noncompliance (French)

Ministry of Public Action and Accounts: News Release Regarding Income Tax Withholding for Household Employment (French)

Law No. 2018-1213 of Dec. 24, 2018 on Emergency Economic and Social Measures (French)

Loi 2022-1726 du 30 décembre 2022 de finances pour 2023 [Law No. 2022-1726 of Dec. 30, 2022, on Finances for 2023], Journal Officiel de la République Française, Dec. 31, 2022 (French)

Loi n° 2021-953 du 19 juillet 2021 de finances rectificative pour 2021 [Law No. 2021-953, of July 19, 2021, on Corrective Finance for 2021], Journal Officiel de la République Française, July 20, 2021 (French)

2.2. 雇主扣繳範圍


In English

2.2. Employer Coverage —

Employers with employees subject to France’s income taxes are responsible for withholding tax from the payments.

2.3. 員工個人所得覆蓋範圍







In English

2.3. Employee Coverage —

French residents, as well as foreigners with France residency, are subject to domestic income taxes on all worldwide income. Nonresident employees are liable for taxes on income earned in France only. For tax purposes, French residency is defined if the taxpayer:

• has his/her home in France;

• has a primary place of residence in France;

• engages in a professional activity in France, whether salaried or not, unless the activity is considered secondary;

• has the center of their economic activities in France.

2.4. 員工個人所得稅率和級距

所得稅稅率按累進稅率徵收,稅率範圍為 0% 至 45%。在國家的累進所得稅制中,個人的收入總額被分配到國家個人所得稅各個稅級,分配到稅級的每一部分收入都按照該稅級適用的稅率徵稅。

對於選擇不讓政府代表他們向其雇主報告他們的個人所得稅率的法國居民來說, 這些法國一般實行的累進所得稅級數與非個人化累進所得稅級數在預扣所得稅上是不同的。

從2019年開始,所得稅預扣稅的個人化所得稅稅率(prélèvementàlasource ,縮寫為PAS )由政府根據家庭收入確定,並由政府發送給個人和雇主。據政府聲稱,90% 的個人的所得稅預扣稅率在 0 到 10% 之間。個人可以選擇將稅率在自己和配偶之間以不同的方式分配,或選擇不將稅率發送給雇主。對於2020 年所得稅的預扣,員工如果希望在自己和配偶之間以不同的方式分配稅率,或不希望將稅率發送給雇主, 員工需要在 2019 年 9 月 15 日前通知政府。

選擇不將稅率發送給雇主的居民, 其就業收入的所得稅預扣是依據非個人化稅率表中帶有每月收入的級數去預扣。表中的稅率範圍為 0 至 43%。


至少1,591歐元 且少於1,653歐元至少1,825歐元 且少於1,936歐元至少1,955歐元且少於2,113歐元0.5%
至少1,653歐元且少於1,759歐元至少1,936歐元 且少於2,133歐元至少2,113歐元 且少於2,356歐元1.3%
至少1,759歐元且少於1,877歐元至少2,133歐元 且少於2,329歐元至少2,356歐元 且少於2,656歐元2.1%
至少1,877歐元且少於2,006歐元至少2,329歐元 且少於2,572歐元至少2,656歐元 且少於2,758歐元2.9%
至少2,006歐元 且少於2,113歐元至少2,572歐元 且少於2,712歐元至少2,758歐元 且少於2,853歐元3.5%
至少2,113歐元 且少於2,253歐元至少2,712歐元且少於2,805歐元至少2,853歐元 且少於2,946歐元4.1%
至少2,253歐元 且少於2,666歐元至少2,805歐元且少於3,086歐元至少2,946歐元 且少於3,273歐元5.3%
至少3,476歐元且少於3,913歐元至少4,883歐元且少於5,546歐元至少5,846歐元 且少於6,593歐元11.9%
至少3,913歐元且少於4,566歐元至少5,546歐元 且少於6,424歐元至少6,593歐元且少於7,650歐元13.8%
至少6,851歐元且少於8,557歐元至少8,557歐元且少於9,725歐元至少9,324歐元 且少於10,821歐元20%
至少8,557歐元且少於11,877歐元至少9,725歐元 且少於13,374歐元至少10,821歐元 且少於14,558歐元24%
至少11,877歐元且少於16,086歐元至少13,374歐元 且少於17,770歐元至少14,558歐元 且少於18,517歐元28%
至少16,086歐元且少於25,251歐元至少17,770歐元 且少於27,122歐元至少18,517歐元且少於29,676歐元33%
至少25,251歐元 且少於54,088歐元至少27,122 歐元且少於59,283歐元至少29,676歐元 且少於62,639歐元38%


至少1,577歐元且少於1,678歐元至少1,847歐元且少於2,035歐元至少2,016歐元 且少於2,248歐元1.3%
至少1,678歐元且少於1,791歐元至少2,035歐元 且少於2,222歐元至少2,248歐元 且少於2,534歐元2.1%
至少1,791歐元且低於1,914歐元至少2,222 歐元且少於2,454歐元至少2,534歐元 且少於2,632歐元2.9%
至少1,914歐元且少於2,016歐元至少2,454歐元且低於2,588歐元至少2,632歐元 且少於2,722歐元3.5%
至少2,016歐元且少於2,150歐元至少2,588歐元且少於2,677歐元至少2,722歐元 且少於2,811歐元4.1%
至少2,150歐元 且少於2,544歐元至少2,677歐元且低於2,945歐元至少2,811歐元 且少於3,123歐元5.3%
至少2,544歐元 且少於2,912歐元至少2,945歐元且少於3,641歐元至少3,123歐元且少於4,310歐元7.5%
至少3,317歐元且少於3,734歐元至少4,659歐元且少於5,292歐元至少5,578歐元 且少於6,291歐元11.9%
至少3,734歐元且少於4,357歐元至少5,292歐元 且少於6,130歐元至少6,291歐元且少於7,300歐元13.8%
至少8,165歐元且少於11,333歐元至少9,280歐元且少於12,761歐元至少10,325歐元 且少於13,891歐元24%
至少11,333歐元 且少於15,349歐元至少12,761歐元 且少於16,956歐元至少13,891歐元 且少於17,669歐元28%
至少15,349歐元 且少於24,094歐元至少16,956歐元 且少於25,880歐元至少17,669歐元且少於28,317歐元33%
至少24,094歐元且少於51,611歐元至少25,880歐元 且少於56,568歐元至少28,317歐元且少於59,770歐元38%






年收入超過250,000歐元的個人和夫婦必須繳納 3% 或 4% 的額外附加費,稱為高收入特殊款項(contribution exceptelle sur les hauts revenus),從而形成有效的最高邊際稅率達到48%或49%。對於單一納稅人,收入超過25萬歐元至50萬歐元的附加稅為3%,收入超過50萬歐元的附加稅為4% 。對於婚姻或同居伴侶,收入超過50 萬歐元且不超過100 萬歐元的附加費為 3% ,收入超過100 萬歐元的附加費為 4%。如果非居民的法國來源收入達到上述門檻,則附加費也適用於非居民。


In English

2.4. Rates and Thresholds —

Income tax rates are levied on a progressive scale, with rates ranging from zero to 45%. In the country’s progressive income tax system, portions of an individual’s income are allocated to the country’s personal income tax brackets, and each portion of income allocated to a tax bracket is taxed at the tax rate applicable to that tax bracket.

For residents who choose not to have the government report a personalized income tax rate to their employer on their behalf, the progressive income tax brackets that generally are in effect in France are different from the non-personalized progressive income tax brackets in effect for income tax withholding on residents of France.

Starting from 2019, personalized income tax rates for income tax withholding (prélèvement à la source, abbreviated as PAS) are determined by the government based on household income and sent to individuals and employers by the government. According to the government, 90% of individuals have an income tax withholding rate between zero and 10%. Individuals may choose to distribute their tax rate differently between themselves and their spouses, or choose not to send their tax rates to their employers. Effective for income tax withholding in 2020, if employees wished to allocate their tax rates differently between themselves and their spouses, or if they did not want to send their tax rates to their employers, they should inform the government by Sept. 15, 2019.

Resident employees who chose not to have their tax rate sent to their employer will have their employment income tax withheld based on a non-personalized tax rate table with brackets of monthly income. The tax rates in the table range from zero to 43%.

Effective for 2024, France’s non-personalized income tax withholding rates for residents of Metropolitan France and its five overseas departments, as well as the minimum and maximum amounts of monthly income for each tax bracket are as follows:

Range of Monthly Income (Euro) for Residents of Metropolitan FranceRange of Monthly Income (Euro) for Residents of Guadeloupe, Martinique, and RéunionRange of Monthly Income (Euro) for Residents of French Guiana and MayotteIncome Tax Withholding Rate
Less than €1,591Less than €1,825Less than €1,955Zero
At least €1,591 and less than €1,653At least €1,825 and less than €1,936At least €1,955 and less than €2,1130.5%
At least €1,653 and less than €1,759At least €1,936 and less than €2,133At least €2,113 and less than €2,3561.3%
At least €1,759 and less than €1,877At least €2,133 and less than €2,329At least €2,356 and less than €2,6562.1%
At least €1,877 and less than €2,006At least €2,329 and less than €2,572At least €2,656 and less than €2,7582.9%
At least €2,006 and less than €2,113At least €2,572 and less than €2,712At least €2,758 and less than €2,8533.5%
At least €2,113 and less than €2,253At least €2,712 and less than €2,805At least €2,853 and less than €2,9464.1%
At least €2,253 and less than €2,666At least €2,805 and less than €3,086At least €2,946 and less than €3,2735.3%
At least €2,666 and less than €3,052At least €3,086 and less than €3,816At least €3,273 and less than €4,5177.5%
At least €3,052 and less than €3,476At least €3,816 and less than €4,883At least €4,517 and less than €5,8469.9%
At least €3,476 and less than €3,913At least €4,883 and less than €5,546At least €5,846 and less than €6,59311.9%
At least €3,913 and less than €4,566At least €5,546 and less than €6,424At least €6,593 and less than €7,65013.8%
At least €4,566 and less than €5,475At least €6,424 and less than €7,697At least €7,650 and less than €8,41615.8%
At least €5,475 and less than €6,851At least €7,697 and less than €8,557At least €8,416 and less than €9,32417.9%
At least €6,851 and less than €8,557At least €8,557 and less than €9,725At least €9,324 and less than €10,82120%
At least €8,557 and less than €11,877At least €9,725 and less than €13,374At least €10,821 and less than €14,55824%
At least €11,877 and less than €16,086At least €13,374 and less than €17,770At least €14,558 and less than €18,51728%
At least €16,086 and less than €25,251At least €17,770 and less than €27,122At least €18,517 and less than €29,67633%
At least €25,251 and less than €54,088At least €27,122 and less than €59,283At least €29,676 and less than €62,63938%
At least €54,088At least €59,283At least €62,63943%

Effective for 2023, France’s non-personalized income tax withholding rates for residents of Metropolitan France and its five overseas departments, and the minimum and maximum amounts of monthly income for each tax bracket were as follows:

Range of Monthly Income (Euro) for Residents of Metropolitan FranceRange of Monthly Income (Euro) for Residents of Guadeloupe, Martinique, and RéunionRange of Monthly Income (Euro) for Residents of French Guiana and MayotteIncome Tax Withholding Rate
Less than €1,518Less than €1,741Less than €1,865Zero
At least €1,518 and less than €1,577At least €1,741 and less than €1,847At least €1,865 and less than €2,0160.5%
At least €1,577 and less than €1,678At least €1,847 and less than €2,035At least €2,016 and less than €2,2481.3%
At least €1,678 and less than €1,791At least €2,035 and less than €2,222At least €2,248 and less than €2,5342.1%
At least €1,791 and less than €1,914At least €2,222 and less than €2,454At least €2,534 and less than €2,6322.9%
At least €1,914 and less than €2,016At least €2,454 and less than €2,588At least €2,632 and less than €2,7223.5%
At least €2,016 and less than €2,150At least €2,588 and less than €2,677At least €2,722 and less than €2,8114.1%
At least €2,150 and less than €2,544At least €2,677 and less than €2,945At least €2,811 and less than €3,1235.3%
At least €2,544 and less than €2,912At least €2,945 and less than €3,641At least €3,123 and less than €4,3107.5%
At least €2,912 and less than €3,317At least €3,641 and less than €4,659At least €4,310 and less than €5,5789.9%
At least €3,317 and less than €3,734At least €4,659 and less than €5,292At least €5,578 and less than €6,29111.9%
At least €3,734 and less than €4,357At least €5,292 and less than €6,130At least €6,291 and less than €7,30013.8%
At least €4,357 and less than €5,224At least €6,130 and less than €7,344At least €7,300 and less than €8,03115.8%
At least €5,224 and less than €6,537At least €7,344 and less than €8,165At least €8,031 and less than €8,89717.9%
At least €6,537 and less than €8,165At least €8,165 and less than €9,280At least €8,897 and less than €10,32520%
At least €8,165 and less than €11,333At least €9,280 and less than €12,761At least €10,325 and less than €13,89124%
At least €11,333 and less than €15,349At least €12,761 and less than €16,956At least €13,891 and less than €17,66928%
At least €15,349 and less than €24,094At least €16,956 and less than €25,880At least €17,669 and less than €28,31733%
At least €24,094 and less than €51,611At least €25,880 and less than €56,568At least €28,317 and less than €59,77038%
At least €51,611At least €56,568At least €59,77043%

As part of income tax withholding, the amounts of personal income tax withheld from resident employees’ wages help to meet their general personal income tax obligation, which is determined by using France’s standard personal income tax brackets.

Effective for 2024, France’s standard personal income tax rates for residents of Metropolitan France and its five overseas departments, as well as the minimum and maximum amounts of annual income for each standard tax bracket are as follows:

Range of Annual Income (Euro)Income Tax Rate
Up to €11,294Zero
More than €11,294 and up to €28,79711%
More than €28,797 and up to €82,34130%
More than €82,341 and up to €177,10641%
More than €177,10645%

Effective for 2023, France’s standard personal income tax rates for residents of Metropolitan France and its five overseas departments, as well as the minimum and maximum amounts of annual income for each standard tax bracket were as follows:

Range of Annual Income (Euro)Income Tax Rate
Up to €10,777Zero
More than €10,777 and up to €27,47811%
More than €27,478 and up to €78,57030%
More than €78,570 and up to €168,99441%
More than €168,99445%

Individuals and couples with an annual income exceeding €250,000 must pay an additional surcharge of either 3% or 4%, known as the exceptional contribution on high incomes (contribution exceptionnelle sur les hauts revenus), resulting in an effective top marginal tax rate of either 48% or 49%. For single taxpayers, the surcharge is 3% on income exceeding €250,000 and up to €500,000, and the surcharge is 4% on income exceeding €500,000. For couples in a marriage or domestic partnership, the surcharge is 3% on income exceeding €500,000 and up to €1 million, and the surcharge is 4% on income exceeding €1 million. The surcharge also applies to nonresidents if their France-sourced income meet the thresholds.

France has separate income tax rates in effect for nonresidents.

2.5. 僱主扣繳稅號登記

在開始營業15天內, 居民雇主須使用M0 表格向當地商業手續中心(Centres de formités des entreprises,縮寫為 CFE)為公司進行註冊。雇主必須根據其作為農民、適用公司稅的公司或其他類別的身份來聲明其適用的特定稅收制度。企業必須在 5 月 1 日之後的第二個工作天之前進行註冊。

外國雇主必須透過 URSSAF 或社會安全和家庭繳費徵收協會 (Unions de recouvrement des cotizes de securite Sociale et d’allocations familiales) 使用 E0 表格向法國政府進行註冊,該協會是一個私人組織, 負責徵收社會安全金繳款。此註冊將產生單一帳號 (Siret),適用於公司所有受社會安全制度約束的員工。註冊在網上完成,列印並郵寄到 URSSAF 辦公室。雖然初次登記只需進行一次,但雇主必須為每位新員工填寫一份僱用前聲明(Déclaration préalable à l’embauche,縮寫為DPAE )表格。

In English

2.5. Registration —

Within the first 15 days of operation, resident employers are required to register with the local Center for Business Formalities (Centres de formalités des entreprises, abbreviated as CFE) using the M0 form for companies. Employers must declare their specific tax regime based on their status as farmers, companies subject to corporation taxes, or another category. Businesses must register before the second working day following May 1.

Foreign employers must register with the government of France using an E0 form through URSSAF, or the Association for Collection of Social Security and Family Contributions (Unions de recouvrement des cotisations de securite sociale et d’allocations familiales), which is a collection of private organizations liable for collecting social security contributions. This registration will generate a single account (Siret) number applicable to all employees of the company who are subject to social security system. Registration is completed online, printed and mailed to the URSSAF office. Although initial enrollment only needs to be done once, an employer must fill out a Declaration Prior to Hiring (Déclaration préalable à l’embauche, abbreviated as DPAE) form for each new employee.

2.6. 員工個人所得應稅金額






對於在收到獎金之前 12 個月內收入低於年度最低工資三倍的員工, 每一年每位員工的價值分享獎金, 最高3,000歐元可免徵所得稅。如果雇主有利潤分享計劃,則豁免額將增加至每位員工每年 6,000歐元。

In English

2.6. Taxable Amounts —

The income tax system categorizes variable incomes into tiers, with a single individual’s income acting as a single unit. Income tax liability is adjusted depending on the total number of units per household. This is called the splitting system. Basically, a single-person household contains one unit; a couple is two units; the first two children are a half-unit each; and each additional child is an additional one unit.

Normally, all salaries, wages and gross earnings, including benefits in kind, are subject to income taxes. The taxable liability of income is determined based on the total earnings of a household, including the primary earner, his/her spouse (whether in a civil or marital arrangement) and any children or dependents residing in the household.

Among other sources of taxation, resident employees should pay taxes on all wages, salaries, compensation and other payments received as a result of their employment. Taxable income is calculated by deducting social security payments and expenses related to business activities (i.e. payments in kind), as well as applicable tax credits (e.g. childcare for young children) from the total wages of an employee,.

Taxpayers’ total deductible amount on personal income taxes is limited to €18,000, plus 6% of their total net taxable income.

Effective from Jan. 1, 2022, to Dec. 31, 2025, the first €7,500 of overtime pay received by an employee within one year is exempt from income taxation. Effective from Jan. 1, 2019, to Dec. 31, 2021, the first €5,000 of overtime pay received by an employee within one year was exempt from income taxation.

For employee who in the 12 months before the bonus was paid earned less than three times the annual minimum wage, a value-sharing bonus of up to €3,000 per employee per year paid to employee after July 1, 2022, is exempt from income tax. If the employer has a profit-sharing program, the exemption is increased to €6,000 per employee per year.

2.7. 扣繳方法

法國自 2019 年 1 月 1 日起普遍對僱員的工資實施源頭預扣稅,但自 2020 年 1 月 1 日起,要求家庭雇主為付給家庭僱員的款項代扣所得稅。



法國議會在2020年金融法通過後影響所得稅的變更, 預扣稅率依此再度調整, 並於2020年1 月傳達給雇主。

如果收入增加或減少,員工的個人所得稅預扣率可能會在一年內增加或減少。員工個人所得稅預扣稅率的變更通常會通知雇主,並於每年 9 月開始生效。雇主通常必須在變更後兩個月內應用新變更的預扣稅率。

所得稅預扣實施前,個人先繳納所得稅。這筆款項相當於上一年應納稅額的三分之一,並分別在2月15日和5月15日之前支付。例如,2017 年期間,納稅人根據在 2016 年就2015 年收入計算出的稅款去付款。納稅人可以選擇透過銀行定期付款的方式每月定期納稅。

In English

2.7. Withholding Methods —

France has generally implemented income tax withholding at source upon employees’ wages since Jan. 1, 2019, but from Jan. 1, 2020, household employers is required to withhold income tax on payments paid to household employees.

Income tax is deducted at source from employees’ wages by employers and directly sent to the Directorate General of Public Finances.

Regarding personalized income tax withholding rates for 2020, the tax authorities initially calculated the personalized rates for employees based on their 2018 income tax returns and reported the tax rates to employers in September 2019. Withholding rates were adjusted again when income tax changes contained in France’s 2020 finance law were passed by the country’s parliament, and were communicated to employers in January 2020.

If an employee’s income increased or decreased, his/her personalized income tax withholding rate may be increased or decreased in a year. Changes in employees’ personalized income tax withholding rates typically are communicated to employers and take effect starting from September of each year. Employers normally must apply newly changed withholding rates within two months of the change.

Before the implementation of income tax withholding, individuals made income tax payments. The payments were equivalent to one-third of the previous year’s tax liability and were payable by Feb. 15 and May 15, respectively. For example, during 2017, taxpayers made payments based on the tax assessed in 2016 with respect to 2015 income. A taxpayer could choose to pay tax on a regular monthly basis through bank payments.

2.8. 員工個人所得申報退稅及匯款


對於所得稅預扣,公共財政總局( Directorate General of Public Finance ,縮寫為DGFiP)每月使用Net-Entreprises入口網站, 向雇主發送一份業務報告(compte-rendu métier ,縮寫為 CRM),說明適用於員工薪資的預扣稅率。雇主取得業務報告後,將預扣稅率導入自己的薪資軟體,並計算要預扣的稅款。

預扣所得稅必須以電子方式匯出,有關所得稅預扣的數據必須使用雇主的社會名義聲明 (DSN) 向政府報告,該聲明已用於社會稅,並使用 Net-Entreprises 入口網站提交。 DSN 必須每月提交一次。提交 DSN 和繳納預扣所得稅的日期如下:

•對於擁有至少50 名員工的雇主,詳細說明從當月支付的工資中扣繳的所得稅的DSN 應在下個月的5 號之前提交,並且從當月支付的工資中扣繳的所得稅應在8 號之前匯出。

•對於僱員少於50 名的雇主,詳細說明從當月支付的工資中扣繳的所得稅的DSN 應在下個月的15 日之前提交,從當月支付的工資中扣繳的所得稅應在18 日之前匯出。

•員工人數不超過10 人的雇主可以選擇按季度繳納預扣所得稅。


雇主應將稅款匯至營業稅服務處(Services des impôts des entreprises,縮寫為 SIE),或者,如果公司符合某些標準,則應匯至大型企業部(Direction des grandes entreprises,縮寫為 DGE)。在 Net-Entreprises 註冊後即可在線上繳稅。


In English

2.8. Returns and Remittance —

Taxes are remitted to the government either online or through telepayment. Employers whose total sales of goods and services in a single tax year exceed €230,000 must pay taxes online. When the tax liability exceeds €50,000, companies may also need to pay taxes through bank transfer.

For income tax withholding, the Direction générale des Finances publiques (Directorate General of Public Finance, abbreviated as DGFiP) uses the Net-Entreprises portal to send the employer a business report (compte-rendu métier, abbreviated as CRM) each month containing the withholding rates to be applied to employees’ pay. Employers access the business report, applying the withholding rates into their payroll software, and calculate the tax to be withheld.

Withheld income taxes must be remitted electronically, and data related to income tax withholding must be reported to the government using the employer’s déclaration sociale nominative (DSN), which is used for social taxes and submitted through the Net-Entreprises portal. The DSN must be submitted once a month. The dates for submitting the DSN and remitting withheld income taxes are as follows:

• For employers with at least 50 employees, the DSN detailing income taxes withheld from the monthly salary payment should be submitted by the 5th of the following month and income taxes withheld from the monthly salary payment should be remitted by the 8th of the following month.

• For employers with fewer than 50 employees, the DSN detailing income taxes withheld from the monthly salary payment should be submitted by the 15th day of the following month and income taxes withheld from the monthly salary payment should be remitted by the 18th day of the following month.

• Employers with 10 or fewer employees may optionally remit withheld income taxes quarterly.

Any other taxes withheld at source (which may apply to foreign workers or for equity income) are paid by the employer to the government on a monthly, quarterly, or annual basis—depending on the size of the employer. The timing for payment of taxes also depends on the total amount of tax owed.

Employers should remit taxes to the Business Tax Services (Services des impôts des entreprises, abbreviated as SIE) or, if the company meets certain criteria, to the Department of Large Businesses (Direction des grandes entreprises, abbreviated as DGE). Taxes can be remitted online after registering with Net-Entreprises.

Employers should provide employees with pay slips that include the taxable income, the income tax withholding rate, the amount of income tax withheld, and the amount that would have been paid to the employee without withholding income tax.

2.9. 員工持股計畫


第一個可以從股票選擇權計畫中獲得的收益是折扣,相當於取得選擇權計畫時的股票價值與員工可以獲得股票時的股票價格之間的差額。只有被認為過度的折扣(等於或大於 95%)才應在行使選擇權的當年納稅。折扣作為收入徵稅。

行使股票選擇權計畫和分紅股票除了需繳納 19% 的預扣稅外,還需以累進所得稅稅率納稅(這不包括社會安全金繳款)。


In English

2.9. Employee Share Plans —

Employees who take part in stock option plans and obtain gains from these plans are liable to pay income tax and contributions to social taxes.

The first type of gain that can be acquired from a stock option plan is the discount, which is equivalent to the difference between the value of a share at the time of offer and the price of a share when it becomes available to the employee. Only discounts deemed excessive (equal to or greater than 95%) should be taxed in the year of exercising the stock option plan. Discounts are taxed as income.

In addition to being subject to a withholding tax of 19%, the exercise of stock option plans and bonus shares also are subject to the progressive income tax scale (this does not include social security contributions).

For internationally mobile employees, purchasing and selling stocks acquired in France after leaving France is subject to withholding tax. If an individual typically contributes to the social security regime, these amounts also are liable to social taxes.

2.10. 記錄保存


In English

2.10. Recordkeeping —

Tax records normally must be retained for a minimum of five years. Pay-slips, registry of staff and documents in relation to salaries, bonuses, benefits and account balances must be kept for five years by the employer. Documents in relation to payroll and payroll taxes, as well as accounts of employee work days, must be kept for three years. Lastly, employee schedules, standby hours and compensation for those hours must be kept for at least one year.

2.11. 處罰

逾期提交所得稅通常會被處以 10% 的罰款。若在正式通知後三十天內未及時提交申報表,罰款將增加至 40%。如果納稅人在稅務重新評估後需要繳納額外稅款,那麼納稅人可能需要為欠繳稅款每月繳納 0.2% 的利息。

不準確或遺漏通常會受到本應扣除或申報的扣除金額 5% 的處罰。如果故意不準確或遺漏,罰款將增加至 40%。

對延遲提交以及不準確或遺漏的處罰是排他性的。 10% 的罰款僅適用於未提交申報表或遲交申報表的情況。如果納稅人僅按時提交部分報稅表,則納稅人將僅因提交不完整而受到 5% 的罰款。如果遲交申報有遺漏或不準確,則僅適用 10% 的遲交罰款。


In English

2.11. Penalties —

Late income tax filings are usually subject to a 10% penalty. The fine increases to 40% in the event of non-filing returns in a timely manner within thirty days after the formal notification. If a taxpayer is liable for additional taxes after a tax reassessment, the taxpayer may be imposed 0.2% in interest for each month the payment owed.

Inaccuracies or omissions are usually subject to a penalty of 5% of the deductions that should have been made or declared. If intentionally inaccurate or omitted, the fine is increased to 40%.

The penalties for late filing and inaccuracies or omissions are exclusive. The 10% fine is only applicable in the event that a return is not filed or filed late. If a taxpayer files only part of their return on time, the taxpayer will be subject only to the 5% penalty for incomplete filing. In the event of an omission or inaccuracy on a late filing, only the 10% penalty for late filing will apply.

Civil and criminal penalties are implemented by courts, while administrative penalties are implemented without the need for court action.


以上內容為永輝研發及教育中心 (簡稱:永輝RD)於2025年1月摘要。
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