

國際雇主派駐員工類別(Mobilité internationale employeur),申請法國Passeport Talent簽證所需的條件和資格要求? Passeport Talent簽證的申請流程? 面簽時,簽證官主要會關注哪些問題?


Paris time zone:
Manager Zhu, 法國永居卡居民 說法文中文和英文

China Time Zone:
聯絡人: 林幸穗 Anny Lin 協理
skype: annylin8008
wechat: annylin8008
電話:+886-2-2717-0515 分機:110

France Foreigner Worker Work Permit Application and its Individual Tax

7.1. Overview of Workers’ Rights —


Employees not domiciled in France generally are not liable for payroll taxation, but for a distinct withholding tax levied on all wages of French origin.
Regardless of nationality, nonresidents are liable for income taxation on French earnings, including:
• income from professional activities, salaried or not, or from for-profit operations conducted in France;
• income, salaried or not, from activities related to artistry or sport conducted in France.
Amounts paid for any services of any kind rendered or used in France also are liable to domestic taxation. Nonresidents also generally are ineligible for tax deductions or credits, even on income earned solely in France.
The buying and selling of shares acquired in France by foreign workers is subject to withholding tax after leaving France. If an individual normally contributes to the social security regime, these amounts also are subject to social taxes.

European Union Blue Card
Directorate General of Public Finances: Impatriate Regime Regulations (French)
Guidance Regarding Impatriate Regime (French)

 7.2. Visas —

Applicants for long-stay visas (including students, spouses of French nationals, employees, trainees, scientists and researchers and visitors) are required to pay residency fees when they submit their applications—rather than only after being approved.
The French Office of Immigration and Integration (OFII) requires fees on long-stay visas, in some cases totaling approximately €340.
The visa is free of charge for certain categories of workers.
Payment of visa taxes must be made solely through credit card at the time of application with the processing cost pegged to the type of visa requested.

EU Blue Card: 

• 由所在國承認的高等學校頒發的至少三年高等教育文憑,或證明具有五年同等水平的專業經驗;
• 雇用合同的期限等於或大於一年,由外國勞動力部負責;
• 月薪至少爲移民部長確定的固定參考年平均毛額的1.5倍。
The Blue Card is a work permit intended to permit highly educated non-EU citizens to work and live in the EU.
The card is intended to be equivalent to the U.S. green card and encourages long-term residency in an EU country.
Workers who receive the Blue Card are required to meet three criteria:
• a diploma representing at least three years of higher education issued by a higher education institution recognized by the country in which it is located or justify five years of professional experience comparable level;
• an employment contract for a period equal to or greater than one year, covered by the Foreign Workforce Department;
• a monthly salary of at least 1.5 times the average gross fixed reference year as established by the Minister of Immigration.
In return, the recipient is granted a one-track permit process valid for two years and additional rights tailored to family reunification.

Non-European nationals: 

All other nationalities are required to possess a work permit, unless otherwise noted in a treaty with France.
Several countries have secured bilateral agreements with France on migration and occupational mobility issues.
The following countries have secured agreements pertaining to young professionals seeking training or careers in France: Argentina, Bulgaria, Canada, Morocco, Romania, New Zealand and the United States.
The following countries have secured occupational mobility agreements: Benin, Burkina Faso, Cape Verde, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Gabon, Madagascar, Russia, Senegal and Tunisia.

European nationals: 

Citizens of European Union member states, with the exceptions of Bulgaria and Romania, do not require a visa or work permit to enter France.
Citizens of Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, Switzerland, Andorra, Monaco and San Marino also do not require a work permit or visa to work in France.
A Schengen visa allows short-term visitors the ability to move freely among the Schengen Agreement states, including: Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, and Switzerland.

Other skilled workers: 

Visa, non-EU skilled workers are divided into four categories:

• Skills and Talent Visa Card:

This three-year status is for candidates who are seeking work in France whose skills are uniquely suited to a project’s success.
This status requires a fee paid by the employee. Spouses joining the employee also are required to pay a fee.
The employer is not required to pay a fee.

• Employee-on-Assignment Visa Card:

This status is designed for nationals of non-EU countries working for non-French companies who have been seconded to France for at least three months, retain a salary of at least 1.5 times the minimum wage, and bring a set of skills necessary to the success of the project abroad.
Employers and employees are both responsible for paying fees on this permit based on the length of stay and the level of pay.

• Scientific-Research Visa Card:


This status applies to non-EU citizens, as well as Bulgarians, Romanians, Algerians and holders of higher education diplomas attempting to conduct all or part of their research in France.
Employers and employees are both responsible for paying fees on this permit based on the length of stay and the level of pay. If an employee works in the public sector, then the employer is not required to pay this fee.

• Artistic and Cultural Profession Visa Card:

In order to be approved under this status with a French employer, the employer must demonstrate an unsuccessful candidate search among French workers.
The recipient of this status must also have signed a work agreement for at least three months with an employer whose main activity is the exploitation of a work of the mind.
Employers and employees are both responsible for paying fees on this permit based on the length of stay and the level of pay.

French Visa application forms.
Inside web page include below Forms:
Schengen visa, Form 14076-04
Overseas France visa, Form 15934-01
Commitment by the foreign employer, To respect the formalities of social declarations

Long-stay visa, Form 14571-05
Authorisation to work for a salaried employment, Foreign employee living outside France, Form 15187-02
Authorisation to work for a salaried employment, Intra-group mobility for a senior management, Form 15619-01
International talents and economic attractiveness, Known company “new innovative enterprise”, Form 15614-02
International talents and economic attractiveness, Highly qualified employee, Form 15615-01
International talents and economic attractiveness,Company belonging to the same international group of companies as your employer, Form 15616-01
International talents and economic attractiveness,Artistic and cultural profession, Form 15617-01
Agreement relating to the placement of an au pair under French law, Form 61-2116

 7.3. Taxes —

Nonresidents only are subject to taxation on the income they earn in France. Nonresident employees therefore are not liable for general payroll taxation, although they are subject to a substitutive withholding tax on wages. Income tax rates assessed on wages paid to nonresidents for work performed in metropolitan France range from zero to 20%.
Income tax rates assessed on wages paid to nonresidents for work performed in France’s overseas departments, other than with regard to the rate of zero for the first nonresident income tax bracket, are lower than those in effect on wages paid to nonresidents for work performed in metropolitan France and range from zero to 14.4%.

The separate income tax withholding brackets for nonresidents are to be abolished, effective starting Jan. 1, 2023, and withholding for nonresidents is to be calculated according to the nonpersonalized brackets for residents’ income tax withholding.
Effective for 2022, France’s income tax withholding rates and minimum and maximum amounts of annual income for nonresident employees are as follows:

Range of Annual Income (Euro)Income Tax Rate for Work in Metropolitan FranceIncome Tax Rate for Work in France Overseas Departments
Up to €15,228ZeroZero
More than €15,228 and up to €44,17212%8%
More than €44,17220%14.4%

Effective for 2021, France’s income tax withholding rates and minimum and maximum amounts of annual income for nonresident employees were as follows:

Range of Annual Income (Euro)Income Tax Rate for Work in Metropolitan FranceIncome Tax Rate for Work in France Overseas Departments
Up to €15,018ZeroZero
More than €15,018 and up to €43,56312%8%
More than €43,56320%14.4%

非居民還需繳納所得稅附加費,稱爲對高收入的特殊貢獻(contribution exceptionnelle sur les hauts revenus),使用與居民相同的附加稅收入等級和稅率。有關附加費的更多信息,請參閱所得稅部分。
An exception to the aforementioned income tax rates for nonresidents is that nonresident artists and athletes are assessed a flat income tax rate of 15% on wages paid to them for work performed in France.
Nonresidents also are subject to an income tax surcharge called the exceptional contribution on high incomes (contribution exceptionnelle sur les hauts revenus), using the same surcharge income brackets and rates in effect for residents. More information about the surcharge is available in the Income Taxes section.
Employers are responsible for paying some taxes for each foreign worker hired, though the amount depends on the contract period and residency length. Employer taxes range from €74 for a three- to 12-month visa residence permit for employee wages totaling less than minimum wage to as much as 55% of gross monthly employee wages (up to 2.5 times the minimum wage) if an employee is on assignment as a temporary resident for more than a year.

French employees working outside of France for a French employer are still entitled to the same insurance benefits, and contributions, as their domestic counterparts, although expatriate employees living away from France long-term may elect to reduce their coverage voluntarily to sickness, maternity, disability; accidents, occupational diseases; and retirement pensions, only.
Supplemental pensions are not mandatory for expatriate French employees.
Moreover, employees temporarily assigned beyond France are entirely entitled to and responsible for social security contributions, as though they work in France.
Note that the buying and selling of shares acquired in France is subject to withholding tax after leaving France.
If an individual normally contributes to the social security regime, these amounts also are subject to social taxes.

Tax Incentives: 

或者,如果他們在2016年7月6日或之後開始在法國就業,他們可以獲得豁免,直到就業開始後的第八年年底。免稅是在一個被稱爲impatriate制度(regime fiscal des impatrie s)的制度中的某些工資和福利,有時在英語中稱爲外籍人士制度。

Expatriate employees who are seconded to France by non-French employers or who are recruited from abroad by a French employer may receive income tax exemptions.
They may receive the exemptions until the end of the fifth year after the year in which employment began if their employment in France began by July 5, 2016. Alternatively, they may receive the exemptions until the end of the eighth year after the year in which employment began if their employment in France began on July 6, 2016, or later.
The tax exemptions are on certain wages and benefits in a system known as the impatriate regime ( régime fiscal des impatriés), and sometimes in English as the expatriate regime. To be eligible for the benefit, the employee must not have been a French tax resident in the preceding five years, and must not have moved to France for work on the employee’s own initiative before beginning the employment in question.
The benefit allows for remuneration received outside of France by the expatriate as well as “expatriate bonuses,” or overseas living allowances related to living in France, to be income tax-free for the employee.
However, if an employer wishes to exempt an employee’s expatriate bonus from tax, the employee’s taxable income must without the bonus be at least equal to the wages paid to a French employee for a similar position.
Employees can also choose to have 30% of their total net compensation, not including social tax contributions, considered a tax-free expatriate bonus.
Tax-free expatriate bonuses paid to employees benefiting from the impatriate regime who began employment July 6, 2016, or later, may also be deducted from the wages used to calculate the payroll tax owed by the employer.

 7.4. Wages/Payments —

There are no special wage payment requirements for foreign workers.

Reference Citations —
European Union Blue Card
Directorate General of Public Finances: Impatriate Regime Regulations (French)
Guidance Regarding Impatriate Regime (French)

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Paris time zone:
Manager Zhu, 法國永居卡居民 說法文中文和英文

China Time Zone:
聯絡人: 林幸穗 Anny Lin 協理
skype: annylin8008
wechat: annylin8008
電話:+886-2-2717-0515 分機:110

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