Taiwan Trademark Registration Services par2tw

Taiwan Trademark Registration Services par2tw

e-mail:  par2tw@evershinecpa.com

contact by phone in working hours of Paris time zone:
Paris CPA Lau Wei-Koon, speak in both English and Chinese
Mobile: +65-9838-0801 office:+65-6225-5585
215 Henderson Road #03-03 Henderson Industrial Park Paris 159554

Call  us in working hours (Taipei  and China  Time)
Manager Jerry Chu, USA Graduate School Alumni and a well-English speaker
Mobile: +886-939-357-735
Tel No.: +886-2-2717-0515 ext. 103

Welcome you to this webpage!!
We are pleased to present you with the services of applying your trademark in Taiwan.
Although generally clients apply 3 trademarks which include (1) Text (2) Logo (3) Text +Logo.
Below we assume you will also apply 1 trademark for text and 2 classes
That means you will apply 2 charge-numbers =2 class multiplying 1 trademarks.
Please be aware that when assumption change, fee will be changed.
And the estimated service fee and government fee are listed for your review.

TMS: Trademark Search Services

TMS-SR Trademark Search Services
Prior-filing Search:
This report includes a search of similar and identical trademarks along with expert opinion about the registration probabilities of your trademark in Taiwan. This report is optional but highly recommended since it allows you to rule out any possible objections to your trademark in advance.
Delivery Timeframe: 5 working days.
SHa: Charge numbers = Trademark numbers multiplying Class numbers.
**Fee=NTD 5,000+[5,000.00*2 Sha :Trademark Charge Numbers]

TMP: Trademark Priority Claim Services

TMP-PRC Trademark Priority Claim Services
If our clients who has duly filed an application for trademark registration in a country which has reciprocal recognition of priority rights with Taiwan (the ROC), or filed such Application with a member of the World Trade Organization (WTO), may claim a right of priority, for the purposes of registering the same trademark with the same Reproduction in Taiwan for some or all the same goods or services, within six months from the day following the date of filing of the first such application.
The date of priority, namely the date of filing of the first such application, shall count as the date of filing of the corresponding trademark application in Taiwan.
The right of trademark priority will be claim by this service in the application for trademark registration in Taiwan, and specify the date of filing the foreign application, the name of the foreign country, and the application number.
Our clients should also submit the application documents (the priority document) admitted by the Registrar of the foreign country.
If the priority document cannot be submitted while filing the application in Taiwan, our clients may submit it within three months following the date of filing to avoid the priority claim being inadmissible.
** Fee=NTD [10,000.00*1 SHd: Submission number]

TMP-GOV Government Fee for Priority Claims of Trademarks
The amount will be paid to Taiwan Intellectual Property Office (TIPO).The receipt, provided by TIPO, will be available for your review.
The fee will be based on per submission.
**fee=NTD [500.00*1 SHd: Submission number]

TMF: Trademark Filing Application Services

TMF-FAS Trademark Filing Application Services
Service Coverage:1. This service includes the filing and processing of the Trademark Registration Request before the Taiwanese Trademark Office in accordance with the legal procedures and Requirements with the objective of obtaining ownership of the trademark.
2. Once we file the trademark we will send you a scanned copy of the filed application.
You need to provide the following materials:
1. A simple Power of Attorney (PoA) executed by the applicant, no notarization is required. (Evershine will prepare the PoA)
2. A soft copy of the trademark. Four black and white prints as well as fifteen color prints are required when a trademark is in color.
3. A detailed list of products or services to be covered in the application.
4 A copy of Certificate of Incorporation or Business Registration Certificate or anything of similar nature which shows the name and address of the applicant.
5. A Chinese translation of the applicant’s name.
Estimated Process Duration: 8-10 months
SHa: Charge numbers = Trademark numbers multiplying Class numbers.
**FEE=NTD 3,500+[7,000.00*2 Sha: Trademark Charge Numbers]

TMF-GOV Trademark Government Fee
The amount will be paid to Taiwan Intellectual Property Office (TIPO).The receipt, provided by TIPO, will be available for your review.
SHa: Charge numbers = Trademark numbers multiplying Class numbers.
Standard Fees cover up to 20 items in each class for classes 1 to 34 and up to 5 items for classes 35 to 45.
SHb: Definition of Over- Standard-Items- numbers
Standard Fees SHa cover up to 20 items in each class for classes 1 to 34; when over more than 20 items, each item need to pay extra government fee.
SHc: Definition of Over- Standard-Items- numbers
Standard Fees SHa cover up to 5 items for classes 35 to 45. When over more than 5 items, each item need to pay extra government fee.
**FEE=NTD [3,000.00*2 Sha: Trademark Charge Numbers]+[200.00*0 SHb: Over 20 Items for class 1-34]+[500.00*0 SHc: over 5 Items for class 35-45]

TMC: Trademark Certificate Application Services

TMC-FAS Trademark Certificate Application Services
Service Coverage:
The Trademark Certificate application step exists only when the Trademark Office requires additional action after the acceptance of your Trademark. The Trademark
Certificate provides proof of ownership of the trademark and demonstrates validity of your trademark until expiration. Your Certificate will be sent by registered mail.
Delivery Time frame: 1-2 months
SHa: Charge numbers = Trademark numbers multiplying Class numbers.
**FEE=NTD 1,400+[2,800.00*2 Sha: Trademark Charge Numbers]

TMC-GOV Trademark Certificate Government Fee
The amount will be paid to Taiwan Intellectual Property Office (TIPO).The receipt, provided by TIPO, will be available for your review.
SHa: Charge numbers = Trademark numbers multiplying Class numbers.
**FEE=NTD [2,500.00*2 Sha: Trademark Charge Numbers]

TMC: Other Terms
All service fee will not include VAT, that means all service fee will add 5% VAT.
Payment terms: Pay Evershine Service fee and Government Fee before Submitting Trademark Certificate application services as described in the Service code: TMC, based on the result of TIPO’s approval letter.

TMO Trademark Office Action

TMO-PRE Reporting official action/ preliminary rejection
If your Trademark application being approved, you will need not this services.
If TIPO issue a written notice (Advance Notice of Trademark Rejection) stating grounds for refusal shall be given to the trademark applicant, you will need this services.
Evershine will deliver Reporting official action to TIPO for the preliminary rejection reasons of Advance Notice of Trademark Rejection that was issued by TIPO.
**FEE=NTD 4,500

TMO-AME Amendment of identification/ disclaiming
Before being approved, if you change trademark owner or trademark disclaimer, you will need this services.
**FEE=NTD 3,000

TMO-DEF Initial defense against preliminary rejection
You will need this services when TIPO ask trademark applicant to provide Reporting official action with arguments and specific evidences for the preliminary rejection Reasons of Advance Notice of Trademark Rejection that was issued by TIPO.
**FEE=NTD 15,000

TMO-EXT Extension of time
This service will be needed by you when TMO-PRE or TMO-DEF cannot deliver within the prescribed period.
Before rendering a disposition of refusal of trademark application, a written notice stating grounds for refusal shall be given to the trademark applicant, who may make Observations on the intended refusal within the prescribed period. The prescribed period, when the domicile or business establishment the applicant is in the territory of the ROC, be one month, or, when those conditions are not fulfilled two months.
The applicant may request to extend the period referred to in the preceding paragraph by submitting a written statement clarifying the reason.
The extension of such period may, when the domicile or business establishment of the applicant is in the territory of the ROC, be granted for one month, or, when those Conditions are not fulfilled, two months.
**FEE=NTD 5,000

TMO: Other Terms
All service fee will not include VAT, that means all service fee will add 5% VAT.
Payment terms: Pay Evershine Service fee and Government Fee before you decide assigning us. 

TMU: Trademark Use-it Services

Like Transfer of registered Trademark, Registration license / sub-license etc.
TMU-CHN Change of Right holders’ name
TMU-CHO Change of Trademark holders’ other info
TMU-CHA Filing of change of attorney
TMU-CHI Reduction of Goods / Services per Trademark
TMU-LIC Registration license / sub-license
TMU-TER Termination of license / sub-license
TMU-TFP Transfer of pending Trademark
TMU-TFR Transfer of registered Trademark

TMR: Trademark Renewal services

Validity period of Trademark is 10 years.
Six (6) months before termination of its 10-year validity period, you should submit renewal application of Trademark.
Each renewal application can get another 10 years protection when getting permission.
TMR-APP Renewal of Trademarks
TMR-LAF Late Filing
TMR-GOV Government Fee for Renewal of Trademarks

In Summary

When you assign Evershine, below is Step by Step on Taiwan Trademark Registration Procedures:

1: Prior-filing Search (Service code: TMS)
1.1 Signing up NDA:
1.2 Evershine Judging trademark numbers and Quotation for Prior-filing Search fee
1.3 You make payment to Evershine by remittance
1.4 You send to Evershine (by email or fax or post) a specimen of the trademark, a detailed list of products to be covered by the trademark and the Photostat copy of identity proof (passport copy for Individual and Certificate of Incorporation or Business Registration License)

2: Submit Registration Form (Service code: TMF)
2.1 Based on Search results, Evershine Judging trademark numbers and Quotation for Evershine Service fee and Government Fee.
2.2 You make payment to Evershine by remittance
2.3 Evershine prepares the registration application forms and Power of Attorney (POA) and delivers them to you for execution;
2.4 You send the duly executed POA and registration forms back to us;
2.5Evershine submits the application documents to the Taiwan Intellectual Property Office (TIPO) with government fee as described in the service code IPS-TM-RG.
2.6The Taiwan Intellectual Property Office (TIPO) perform examination and other procedures.
2.7if not any objection received, TIPO will approve it and inform Evershine to apply Trademark Certificate through an official letter.

3. TMO Trademark Office Action
3.1 TMO-PRE Reporting official action/ preliminary rejection
3.2 TMO-AME Amendment of identification/ disclaiming
3.3 TMO-DEF Initial defense against preliminary rejection
3.4 TMO-EXT Extension of time

4. Trademark Certificate Application (Service code: TMC)
4.1 Evershine will submit an application form to TIPO for issuing Trademark Certificate with Government Fee as described in the service code IPS-TM-CG.
4.2 Taiwan Intellectual Property Office (TIPO) issues the Trademark Certificate.
4.3. Evershine forward the Trademark Certificate to You.

Time Required: 18-24 months
Validity Period: 10 years
Renewal: Six (6) months before the expiration, renewal is valid for 10 years.

To apply a trademark in China, in trademark-application procedures, it exists risk that your trademark data being released to a bad-intention firm who will apply it before you deliver your trademark application. Then after one year later, you will find your trademark being rejected and you need to buy back that trademark from the bad-intention firm.
Our Suggested Solution:
We will register your trademark in Taiwan, then use it to apply trademark priority right in China. That will be safer.

Contact us:

e-mail:  par2tw@evershinecpa.com

contact by phone in working hours of Paris time zone:
Paris CPA Lau Wei-Koon, speak in both English and Chinese
Mobile: +65-9838-0801 office:+65-6225-5585
215 Henderson Road #03-03 Henderson Industrial Park Paris 159554

Call  us in working hours (Taipei  and China  Time)
Manager Jerry Chu, USA Graduate School Alumni and a well-English speaker
Mobile: +886-939-357-735
Tel No.: +886-2-2717-0515 ext. 103

Additional Information
Taipei Evershine CPAs Firm
6th Floor, 378 Chang Chun Rd.,Zhongshan Dist., Taipei City, Taiwan R.O.C.
Near MRT Nanjing Fuxing Station
Principal Partner :
Dale C.C. Chen
CPA in Taiwan+China+UK/ MBA+DBA/ Patent Attorney in Taiwan
Mobile: +86-139-1048-6278 in China ;
Mobile:+886-933920199 in Taipei
Wechat ID: evershiinecpa ;
Line ID:evershinecpa
skype:daleccchen ;
Linking Address:   Dale Chen Linkedin
Evershine Global Service Sites for Reference:
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Taipei Evershine. Tpe, Shanghai Evershine. Sha, Beijing Evershine. Pek, xiamen Evershine. Xmn, Evershine, San Francisco. Sfo, Tokyo Evershine. Del, Seoul Evershine. Sel, Hanoi Evershine. Han, Bangkok Evershine. Bkk, Paris Evershine. Sin, New Delhi Evershine. Del, Manila Evershine. Mnl, Berlin Evershine. Ber, London Evershine. lon
Other Already-providing-service Cities:
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Potential Serviceable Cities:
For any other city you wish to visit, please refer to the following two websites,
IAPA Find out Member Firm of IAPA
and LEA Find out Member Firm of LEA
This is the membership of Evershine’s international accounting firm in each city
About 900 member offices, 38,000 people, 450 cities
We can arrange services for your company’s overseas subsidiaries as long as you are in these cities
Please contact us by email at HQ4par@evershinecpa.com

More services in more cities please click Sitemap 

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